Rue Fond Saint Servais
Do not hesitate to be in touch with any question you may have, be it matters of faith, practical information about our services and other activities or pastoral services (weddings, baptisms, funerals). N'hesitez pas de nous contacter pour toute question liée à la foi, ou autres: baptême, mariage, funérailles etc.
You can use the form below (directed to the chaplain), our Facebook page, or you can email individual team members. Vous pouvez utiliser le formulaire ci-dessous.
For safeguarding issues, you can contact the safeguarding officer directly.
We are grateful to receive any gift, big or small. If you want to make a contribution to support our work, our bank account number is:
BE43 3632 0195 9801
Bank - ING Belgium
Swift/Bic -BBRUBEBB100
Nous sommes reconnaissants de recevoir n'importe quel don, grand ou petit, pour soutenir nos oeuvres. Compte bancaire: BE43 3632 0195 9801
Banque - ING Belgique
Swift/bic: BBRUBEBB100
The chaplain can be reached on from Tuesday to Friday (9am-12 noon and 3-6pm) and on Sunday (10am-1pm) on 0467 77 03 40.
De mardi à vendredi : 9h - 12h et 15h -18h